Read ebook Ancient Prayer : Channeling Your Faith 365 Days of the Year FB2, PDF, DOC


Find Daily Comfort in Ancient Prayer""Kol Hatchalot Kashot.""All beginnings are difficult.New graduate, newlywed, first-time mother, or new job. Every single new beginning is difficult. Not just the onset of an illness or the beginning of grad school, or the first weeks of a job search, but all new situations presesnt challenges in our lives. How do we cope?"Ancient Prayer" offers daily inspiration and wisdom from the past that ground us and help us put things into perspective, using bibilical texts and prayers by early philosophers, poets, and spiritual leaders. These bite-sized lessons remind us to appreciate the truly important things in life and not lose sight of the higher power that guides us all.", New graduate, newlywed, first-time mother, or new job. Every single new beginning is difficult. Not just the onset of an illness or the beginning of university, or the first weeks of a job search, but all new situations present challenges in our lives. How do we cope? Ancient Prayer offers daily inspiration and wisdom from the past that grounds us and helps us put things into perspective, using bibilical texts and prayers by early philosophers, poets, and spiritual leaders. These bite-sized lessons remind us to appreciate the truly important things in life and not lose sight of the higher power that guides us all.

Book Ancient Prayer : Channeling Your Faith 365 Days of the Year by Rachel C. Weingarten DOC, FB2