Gregory Goodell - Independent Feature Film Production : A Complete Guide from Concept Through Distribution read online book FB2, DOC


"Independent Feature Film Production" is an essential guidebook for filmmakers. Gregory Goodell addresses the making of independent films, taking the reader through the process of the independent film's development phase: the script, commitment from the director and actors, and the legal structure necessary to raise money to make the picture. Whether interested in learning to make a movie on a shoestring budget or on a larger scale, this book guides the reader through the entire proces of developing an independent film. This new edition has been completely updated to reflect changes in every aspect of the moviemaking process. Chapters are divided into five sections: Legal Structuring and Financing, The Preproduction Package, The Production Package, Postproduction, and Distribution and Marketing., Covers all aspects of the film-making process, from financing, through pre-production, principal photography, postproduction, distribution and marketing. Essential reading for all film-makers. 'This book is a must.' - Ridley Scott 'I wish I had had this book when I started.' - John Carpenter, Supplies advice on the financing, writing, budgeting, casting, filming, editing, and distribution of a motion picture without the involvement of a major studio., This new edition of the filmmaker's bible has been completely updated to reflect changes in every aspect of the moviemaking process. Gregory Goodell is an award-winning writer-producer-director whose credits include independent features, documentaries, television movies, and mini-series. He has lectured and taught at the American Film Institute and other organizations. Independent Feature Film Production is an essential guidebook for filmmakers. Gregory Goodell addresses the making of independent films, taking the reader through the process of the independent film's development phase: the script, commitment from the director and actors, and the legal structure necessary to raise money to make the picture. Whether interested in learning to make a movie on a shoestring budget or on a larger scale, this book guides the reader through the entire proces of developing an independent film. This new edition has been completely updated to reflect changes in every aspect of the moviemaking process. Chapters are divided into five sections: Legal Structuring and Financing, The Preproduction Package, The Production Package, Postproduction, and Distribution and Marketing. "First rate . . . belongs in the classroom and should be read by many of those now teaching film history and criticism."'� Los Angeles Times "This book is a must . It is a straightforward, insightful, and articulate account of what it takes to make a successful feature film."'� Ridley Scott "Saves one from having to learn the hard way."'� David Lynch, director of Lost Highways and Blue Velvet "Superb in both its conception and execution."'� David Puttnam, producer of Chariots of Fire , Midnight Express , and The Killing Fields "The first and most thoroughly researched compiliation of information dealing with all aspects of feature films, from financing to production to post-production to distribution and marketing."'� Michael Apted, director of Gorillas in the Mist and Nell "Absolutely crucial for filmmakers."'� Films in Review "Anyone involved in the making of motion pictures, from television commericals to studio pictures, should read this book before beginning their next production."'� Fay Kanin, screenwriter and former president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Independent Feature Film Production : A Complete Guide from Concept Through Distribution read PDF, EPUB

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